ProtonTalk #4

22 March, 2019 15:00 - 22 March, 2019 18:00HollandPTC

Event is reeds geweest

Graag nodigen we u van harte uit voor onze volgende ProtonTalk. Dit keer een lezing door professor Marco Durante, fysicus en expert op het gebied van radiobiologie en klinische fysica van de bestraling met geladen deeltjes. Na afloop kunt u napraten tijdens een kleine borrel.

15.00 uur  Ontvangst met koffie en thee

15.30 uur Pre-clinical research in the new proton therapy centers
Spreker: Prof. Marco Durante

About prof. Marco Durante: During his career, Marco Durante gained extensive experience in the biophysics of heavy ions and space radiation protection performing experiments in top-level institutes all over the world. He invented a new method for biodosimetry of charged particles in order to estimate the late risks of patient undergoing radiotherapy, as well as to predict the consequences of long-term exposures for the astronauts. As a full professor at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Marco Durante is vice-chair of the PTCOG and serves in the European Space Agency (ESA) Life Sciences Advisory Group, in the Human Exploration Science Advisory Committee (HESAC) and in the Program Advisory Committees of the GANIL center (France) and KVI Center for Advanced Radiation Technology (Netherlands) particle accelerators. He is currently Director of the Biophysics Department of GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, and is responsible for the Biophysics research in the future FAIR accelerator in Darmstadt.

16.30 uur Borrel

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