What’s in our R&D database?

18 May, 2021 16:15 - 18 May, 2021 17:00Online

Event is reeds geweest

An insight into the different data we have available for research
Interested in research into proton therapy? And the data you may need and use? Register for our online presentation on our database and you’ll be up to date on data in an hour.

Date & time
Tuesday 18 May, from 16.15 – 17.00 hours

Our database consists of prospectively-collected patient information and contains health, treatment and follow-up information. We’ll present the database and:

  • discuss the development of our database: the choices we’ve made which data to collect and make available for research
  • give an overview of available data and view to the future: the complete list and variables we expect to have in the future
  • inform you how to apply for the use of data: practical information

Please note that at the moment data is only available for researchers from our consortium partners Erasmus MC, LUMC and TU Delft and for researchers from HollandPTC.

How to register
Send an email to the research office at researchoffice@hollandptc-oud.fourdesign.dev and we will send you the link to the online meeting.